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"The primary focus of this path of choosing wisely is learning to stay present. Pausing very briefly, frequently throughout the day, is an almost effortless way to do this. For just a few seconds we can be right here. Meditation is another way to train in learning to stay or learning to come back, to return to the present over and over again."
~ Pema Chödrön, from Taking the Leap  
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Entries in beauty (33)


Deeper Business

"I finally realized that beauty was not a thing I could acquire or consume. It was something I just had to be...You can't rely on how you look to sustain you. What actually sustains us, what is fundamentally beautiful, is compassion for yourself and for those around you...So I hope my presence on your screens and in magazines may lead you, young girl, on a similar journey. That you will feel the validation of your external beauty, but also get to the deeper business of being beautiful inside. There is no shade in that beauty."

~ Lupita Nyong'o, speaking at Essence's Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon

See also:



Unselfed and Decentered by Beauty

Excerpts from "Beauty & Justice," a To The Best of Our Knowledge conversation with Elaine Scarry (Feb. 9, 2014): 

When we speak about beauty sometimes we're talking about the beautiful object itself which could be a child's face, or it could be a beautiful glass vase, or it could be a flower. Sometimes when we talk about beauty what we're talking about is the experience that happens to us when we come into the presence of something beautiful...

I think that we would probably agree with Plato that we're sometimes, by beautiful things, put into contact with a metaphysical realm or maybe one could say with our own best selves or with something greater than ourselves. There's a description that's given by two mid-20th century women philosophers...

Iris Murdoch talks about the fact that she's sitting there being preoccupied by the fact that maybe the world, maybe her colleagues, maybe her friends aren't treating her as well she deserves and then suddenly she sees a beautiful bird lift off the ground, but she could've easily said she suddenly hears a piece of music. And she says,

I undergo an unselfing. Suddenly I move to the periphery of my own world. I'm emptied of self.

Simone Weil, the French mystic said something very similar. She said we undergo a radical decentering, and I use an awkward term for this which is opiated adjacency...There are lots of things in the world that give us acute pleasure. There are also lots of things in the world that make us feel marginal. But there's almost nothing other than beauty that does those two things simultaneously, that gives us acute pleasure at the very moment that it makes us feel marginal and happy to be on the margins, to stand back, to listen to the piece of music and just feel awe at what has been created.



We Protect What We Fall In Love With

"Beauty and seduction are nature's tools for survival, because we protect what we fall in love with. It opens our hears and makes us realize we are part of nature and that we're not separate from it."

Louie Schwartzberg

See also:


  • Moving Art
  • Steindl-Rast, D. (1984). Gratefulness, the heart of prayer: An approach to life in fullness. New York: Paulist Press.



Apparent Truth

"I love the apparent truth of theater. I love that people are willing to fill in the blanks.

The audience is willing to say, 'Oh, I know that's not a real sun. You took pieces of sticks. You added silk to the bottom. You suspended these pieces. You let it fall flat on the floor. And as it rises with the strings, I see that it's a sun.'

But the beauty of it is that it's just silk and sticks. And in a way, that is what makes it spiritual. That's what moves you. It's not the actual literal sunrise that's coming. It's the art of it."

~ Julie Taymor, from "Spider-Man, The Lion King and Life on the Creative Edge," TED Talks, March 2011


Beauty and Order

Brendan O’Connell, Wonderbread, 2010

“Our attempt to find and construct beauty and order out of things, I think we always have that impulse. So, even this huge curated space that is disorienting, our eye wants to simplify and focus. Even if it’s unconscious, we want to experience beauty.”

~ Brendan O'Connell, from "Paintings of Walmart," Studio 360, August 2, 2013